BIBLE – Today, God’s revelation of Himself to mankind is through His Word, the Bible. We believe the Bible is God’s love letter to His family, that it is inspired by Him without error, and a guide to follow for living our lives fully and abundantly. It is our source of truth and growth for our faith practice. We offer Biblical preaching on Sundays and various small group Bible studies during the week for anyone interested.
CHURCH – God’s family on earth is His church, the body, with Jesus Christ as our Head. We meet together to love, care, and encourage one another in our daily lives and faith in Jesus Christ through His Word and in good deeds God would have us do as He directs.
HELP – In loving one another we will help each other with needs, in times of crisis, illness, bereavement, doubt, fear, to find encouragement in life’s challenges, and physical help with loving hearts, hands, feet, and resources as needed. We also have a mission to represent God in our community to help others come to know God, and experience Him personally in a love relationship He has for them.
HOPE – God is the source of our true hope that will not be disappointed if we trust in Jesus Christ and His Word. The hope God has is for today and fully realized in eternity tomorrow for all who believe and trust in Him. We encourage one another in this hope as we come together as His church family.
HOME – God says in His Word that our true home is with Him in heaven, that we are only passing through this life to our real home with Him. We experience that together as His church when we gather, the community of believers together is something like being home with the Lord while on this earth. At home you are beloved member of God’s family, Christ International Fellowship.
A wise church leader said “There is no safer place to be than in the center of God’s will”. We welcome you in God’s love as His family, He keeps and protects us as we follow Him together. You will find Christ International Fellowship to be a safe place to belong in today’s world.