1.Consecration Daniel 1 2. Wisdom and Prophecy Daniel 2 3. Courage in the Face of Persecution Daniel 3 4. “Those Who Walk in Pride He Is Able to Humble” Daniel 4
1. Introduction to the Book of Ezekiel 2. Ezekiel’s Vision and Calling (Ezekiel 1-3) 3. The Future Restoration of Israel (Ezekiel 37) 4. The Coming Russian Invasion of Israel (Ezekiel 38-39) 5. The Millennial Temple (Ezekiel 40-48)
1.Background of the Book of Jeremiah a. 7th Century BC-The Weeping Prophet b. The largest book in the Bible c. Prophesied from 626BC until the destruction of the Temple in 586 BC 2. Warning and Judgement 3. God’s Call to Repentance 4. The Fall of Jerusalem