2019.08.25 “The Crucifixion” – Luke 23 August 25, 2019 by Roger Scalice Audio Jesus Before Pilate and Herod The Crucifixion Jesus’ Death Jesus’ Burial
2019.08.18 “Jesus Our Passover Lamb” – Luke 22 August 18, 2019 by Roger Scalice Audio 1. Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus 2. The Last Supper 3. Jesus Prays on the Mount of Olives 4. Jesus Arrested 5. Peter Disowns Jesus 6. Jesus Before Pilate and Herod
2018.08.11 “The Olivet Discourse” – Luke 21 August 11, 2019 by Roger Scalice Audio 1. The Widow’s Offering 2. Signs of the End of the Age
2019.08.04 “Authority and Wisdom of Jesus Christ” – Luke 20 August 4, 2019 by Roger Scalice Audio The authority of Jesus questioned The parable of the tenants Paying taxes to Caesar The resurrection and marriage Whose Son is the Christ